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Account aanmakenCarley has sat on a ring, allowing small children to really study the funny animal. On the ring is a teething ring shaped like a leaf, and two cuddle tags with crackling paper make Carley fun to reach for. On its back, the chameleon has a C-ring that allows it to be hung from the hood of a pram, pushchair or car seat to stimulate and activate your child's senses on the move.
The activity ring helps to strengthen and challenge:
- Sense of touch – when the child feels textures, softness and hardness and different materials.
- Sense of sight – when the child sees contrasts, colours and textures.
- Sense of taste – when the child bites or sucks on the product and notices that the different elements taste/feel different.
- Gross and fine motor skills – when the child reaches for, or grabs, the product and explores the different cuddle tags.
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